Braxton Garneau

Untitled, 2020

Aukje Kapteyn’s reflections on this work can be found here

Live studio visit was held on February 25, 2021 at 6 PM (MST) - the recording is available below

This is not a body of work. This is a collection of creative exercises; a response to a series of moments than have given me peace over the past several months. I needed to do something that was disconnected from the responsibilities of my regular practice. I needed to do anything other than obsess over the ever-growing list of racial injustices or confront my anxieties around the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Making this series of facetime portraits was a creative way for me to self soothe. I began using video calls as references for these tiny family portraits, which reflected the dimensions (13.5cm x 6.5cm) I was becoming accustomed to viewing my family members at. The noticeable distortions from a phone camera lens became a motif throughout my portraits and emphasized this abstracted nature of “face to face” communication. These mini paintings became a way for me to create and connect without having to actively engage with the circumstances of 2020.







Image List

  1. Buck(Diptych), screenshot/oil on canvas, courtesy of the artist.

  2. Lark(Diptych), screenshot/oil on canvas, courtesy of the artist.

  3. Tijs(Diptych), screenshot/oil on canvas, courtesy of the artist.

  4. Rial(Diptych), screenshot/oil on canvas, courtesy of the artist.

  5. Thea(Diptych), screenshot/oil on canvas, courtesy of the artist.

  6. Grandma(Diptych), screenshot/oil on canvas, courtesy of the artist.


Braxton Garneau is an emerging artist from Amiskwaciwâskahikan ‘Edmonton’ on Treaty 6 territory. In 2020, He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts, specializing in intermedia at the University of Alberta. His practice is rooted in an exploration of familial and collective histories. 

Garneau primarily works in painting, installation, and printmaking, often distilling his own research through a combination of these methods. He has participated in several group exhibitions including Nice to Meet You in FAB Gallery at the University of Alberta, 5 Artists 1 Love exhibition at the Art Gallery of Alberta, and most recently It's About Time: Dancing Black in Canada 1900 - 1970 and Now at the Mitchell Gallery.

Studio Visit


A live studio visit will be hosted with the artist on:

Live studio visit on February 25, 2021 at 6 PM (MST)


Matthew Cardinal


AJA Louden